Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Some More on 44

     Nick's doctors (they come in packs around here) just came in.  The blood clot in his arm that they thought was in a deep vein, and therefore potentially dangerous, was in a smaller surface vein.  Therefore, it is just a nuisance.  They took him off the blood thinners and it will dissolve on it's own.  They did an MRI yesterday to see if he had any other blood clots:  NONE!  He was surprised when they told him he had a normal brain. (insert giggle)   The imbalance in his blood that probably caused the original clot is completely back to normal.  He is having an early diagnostic bone marrow biopsy tomorrow because they think that he is already in remission, and he hasn't lost any hair.  Again....Now we do the dance of joy!!
     If you haven't read my earlier post where I wrote about 44 being a special thing to us this might not make sense to you.  So, if you so desire, take a look at the post called "Day 2 of Formal Protocol" before you read on.
      I have a book called Understanding the Dreams you Dream by Ira Milligan.  It is a dream interpretation book that lists symbolism that is used the Bible.  It is a useful tool for figuring out the meaning behind God given dreams, visions, etc.  Let me just say that I realize that God is not limited in any way to using the symbolism in this book.  However, it is Biblically based, and He knows that it is a tool that I have.  So, it seems reasonable to me that when my Heavenly Father wants to get a point across to me, He might use:  1.  Symbolism that He used in the Word  2.  Symbolism that He knows that I could eventually figure out given the resources to which I have access.  He says over and over again that He wants us to seek Him, but He also makes sure that He is findable.
     With all that said, I looked up the number, 44, in my dream book.  I don't recall having looked it up before now.  It literally means a test or trial through which we can either accept or reject God's reign, rule, and kingdom in heaven and on earth.  Let me just tell ya... We ACCEPT His reign, rule, and kingdom!!  ...In heaven, on earth, in our bodies, in our lives, in your lives... we accept and acknowledge that He is God, and that we are not.  How much more clearly could He express His love than to say, "I have this completely covered.  You just have to accept it."  Enough said.. It is well!

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