Saturday, June 25, 2011

God's Face Scrunches

     Nick is doing great this morning:  no pain, no nausea.  His first words were, "I slept like a rock."  That's kind of hard to do when people are checking and poking on you regularly.  However, the nursing staff has been so careful, and so kind to check and poke with the least possible amount of interruption.  They really have been amazing!
     My first act of the morning was to spill about 8oz of Sprite into every drawer in the bedside table and onto the floor.  Let me just tell ya....a little bit of Sprite goes a long way.   It covered i- phones, computer chargers, my glasses, magazines, assorted snacks, and filled my only pair of shoes. (I have more shoes at the condo)  Then I proceeded to spill waffle syrup from Nick's breakfast tray, and my cup of coffee.  Now, I know that these were simply random acts of ineptitude on my part, but when out of the ordinary things happen over and over again my antennas go up.  God knows exactly how each of us think (Duh....He created our brains.)  I love to solve mysteries and puzzles.  So, after the third occurrence I started asking, "O.K. God, what is it that you want me to drop, or that I have dropped that needs to be picked up?"  I don't have an answer yet, but I assume that it will be the pondering point for the day.  Either way...It's so great to know that God is not done with me yet.
     This also makes me think about how each of us perceives our individual relationships with God.  In Christian circles we say, "It's definitely not religion...It's relationship."  I totally believe that that statement is true.  However, so many times we think that God has to talk to us through a Prophet, or ONLY through His Word, or only if a burning bush or a budded staff appears.  I know that the last statement was kind of extreme, but don't we all discount His still small voice at times?  Think about someone with whom you have a relationship.  It could be a husband, wife, child, best friend, mom, dad, etc.  Now think, "what does this person have to do to communicate with me?"  My husband or kids can just barely scrunch up their faces and I know exactly what they are thinking.  We have all kinds of verbal and non-verbal communication that we use with one another because we have developed relationship over time.  It's no different with God.  We may not be able to see His face scrunches with our physical eyes, but He is scrunching none-the-less.   Don't get me wrong.  I do believe that He does speak through Prophets, His Word, miraculous signs and wonders, and numerous other ways, but I also believe that the day to day communication is much more subtle and therefore much more personal to each of us individually.  Please listen and watch for Him today.   I hear people say so often that they just can't hear from God.  I really believe that it's a matter of "If you think you can...or you think you can''re right."  What have you got to lose?  Go ahead and believe that this wonderful Guy with whom you have a relationship is communicating with you.  You'll be amazed at the guidance, gentle correction, peace, and love that comes your way...even in the midst of some of the most difficult situations in your life.  It is well.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Ummm Wow! again. This is so true! I am sitting here picturing my Daddy God doing a face scrunch and me actually knowing what it means....Thanks Lori!!
    Christian Byler
