Tuesday, June 21, 2011

4th day...The Pegasaurus has landed

    This is our 5th day at Vanderbilt, but the 4th day of treatment.  When we were first being educated about the chemo therapy drugs that Nick would receive, Nick's nurse said, "...And on the 4th day you will get the Pegasaurus...no, no, no...that's a dinosaur.  It's Pegaspargase."  It was one of those silly moments that broke the tension and put us more at ease.  Well, he got the "Pegasaurus" today, and it was completely uneventful. That's exactly how we want all of it to go!
     Glenn and I went home (to Jackson) yesterday because we both had doctor's appointments today.  Megan came up on Sunday, and stayed until this afternoon.  So, he was in great hands.  I'm back with him now, and he is doing just dandy.  Keep praying.  It is well.

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