Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yes Lord, I hear You

     We still have the same issues, but hopefully the latest medication will put his rhythm back in line.  Otherwise it's been a pretty neat day.  After I finished writing the previous post an announcement came over the intercom that a worship service would be held in the chapel.  Glenn was here and Nick was stable, so I went.  When the preacher began he announced that the worship leader/piano player was unable to attend and that if no one in the room felt comfortable stepping up there would be no music today.  So, I lead worship.  The songs dictated by the bulletin were "Sweet Hour of Prayer", "Amazing Grace", and "He Touched Me."   Then he spoke on trusting God and staying away from fear (2nd time for the day.)  After the service I checked my messages and a friend told me that she started the day praying for us that we would not fear (3rd time for the day.)  Isn't God sweet!!! Just like the wonderful Father that he is, and on this Father's day.... He has whispered and shouted all day long, "It's o.k. sweetheart.  Do not fear."
     Then we got some more sweet news.  The "best" room on the chemo floor became vacant this afternoon, and the charge nurse decided that we should get it.  It's a big corner suite with huge bright windows that have a beautiful view looking out over the city.  It's the room where all the nurses want to come and watch Nashville's fireworks on the 4th of July.  Unless God intervenes before then, we will have ring side seats for the Nashville Independence Day Festivities.  It also contains a brand new flat screen T.V. and a WII gaming system.  Those of you who really know Nick will know how great that is.
     So, hopefully we have moved for the last time.  Once again, if you are keeping up with our address, the RM# has changed to VUH 11026.  The nurses assured me that if anything had been sent earlier he would still get it.  They would track him down.
     I can't express how much it has meant to us that all of you are praying.  Please continue.  It is well.

1 comment:

  1. Was thinking about you guys as I drove in tonight. I thought of James 1:2-3. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." God is with you, as are we all. Love you guys!!!!!
