Thursday, June 16, 2011

To make a long story not so long...

     For the last several months our son has gone through some very strange physical trials.  We have been in and out of the hospital twice.  He has been tested, scanned, poked and prodded; discussed, evaluated, referred, and treated.  On whole, the scanners, pokers, evaluators, and  referrers have been very kind, smart and caring.  However, until last Monday we only had a presumptive diagnosis, and therefore, no effective treatment for his pain and symptoms.
     Here is the "not so long" part...tonight we sit in an admitting waiting room at Vanderbilt.  Having gone through a number of tests, the insertion of a PICC line, and below par Chinese takeout, Nick is waiting for a vacant hospital room on the oncology floor.  He should begin receiving chemotherapy to combat Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in the next couple of days.
     Yes...we know that cancer is bad. has been a difficult year.  Yes...we have endured much.  However, the purpose for this blog is NOT to express what we all know about the trials of life.  The purpose of this blog is two-fold:  Firstly, it is to testify to the goodness  and provision of God.  Secondly, it is to simply keep everyone posted.
    So, I want to end tonight by stating emphatically that I know this is all going to be O.K.  I firmly believe that God is our Healer.  In fact, I have personally been miraculously healed more than once.  I also know that God does things in His timing....for His glory.  So, if we must endure a trial for a season, we will patiently await His intervention...all the while acknowledging His provision for the day.  Keep praying.  It is well!


  1. So glad you are doing a blog. It helps us keep up. We are praying for all of you and most especially for Nick's healing. Love to all. Aunt Pat and Uncle Wayne

  2. Praying for Nick's healing and peace for the rest of you. Even in the midst of God's peace, we still have that mother's heart. Praying for a special grace for you.
    In Christ,
    Anna Smith

  3. "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord... I'm standing on this word for Nick! You have an army of people lifting you all to the throne again and again. We all Know that His grace is sufficient to see you thru all that lies ahead. And we are all anxious to see Gods hand continue to move in this situation.
    Love you! Emily
