Monday, June 20, 2011

Now we do the dance of JOY!!!

     When Megan, our middle daughter, was a little girl, about 2 yrs old, she started having temper tantrums.  She would get mad and scream and flail and stomp her feet.  After a while of enduring these lovely shows of dissatisfaction I started praying about what to do to make them stop.  The only thing that I believe that God said, in answering that prayer, was to praise Him.  So, whenever she would start ramping up to a tantrum I would start to dance and sing and praise the Lord, which vaguely looked like the motions that she was making.   I would tell her, "Oh, I guess it's time to praise.  Let's do the dance of joy."  This made her so mad that she was not getting the desired response from me, and soon the tantrums stopped.  Since then, more than 2 decades, we still use the phrase, "Do the dance of joy," to mean that something has happened for which we want to praise the Lord.
     This morning one such thing happened.  Nick's heart started into an unhealthy A-fib rhythm yesterday morning about 5:00.  He was in serious condition.  Heart rate bouncing from 100 to 200.  Throughout the day several doctors consulted and several medications were given to try to correct the no avail.  The last resort was to be a procedure today whereby they put him to sleep to shock his heart to get the normal rhythm back.   As I prayed for him yesterday I felt like I should lay hands on his heart and command it back to proper rhythm, but one thing after another prevented it from being an opportune time to do so.  I should have just busted through the hullabaloo and done what God told me, but I didn't.  Megan stayed with Nick last night while I got some sleep at the condo.  He had another episode in the night which solidified the plan to go ahead with shock for today.
     So about an hour ago God reminded me that I had not done what He had asked.  Megan and I laid hands on his heart, prayed, and commanded sinus rhythm.  A few seconds later we turned around to the monitor and what did we see?   SINUS RHYTHM!!!  Normal heart rhythm, normal heart rate.  NOW WE DO THE DANCE OF JOY!!!!  It is well!  Feel free to dance with us!


  1. Hi, this is India Konemann, I work with Megan and Nick in the ER. I also did one of Nick's first CT scans a while ago. I just wanted to let you, Nick and your family know I'm praying for you guys. God has brought Nick to mind every day for the last several days. Your attitude and praise is inspiring! It is well! God bless!

  2. Thanks India...Prayer is exactly what we need. I'll tell Nick that you are keeping up with him.
