Sunday, June 19, 2011

"In this life there will be trouble, but fear not....."

     This morning I awoke to Nick having some heart issues...serious stuff!  He is fairly stable now and I'm totally expecting this all to resolve.  The Word says that the life is in the blood, and his fearfully and wonderfully made heart is what keeps that life-filled blood circulating.
     Here's the question:  How do we not fear when things are happening around us that would just plain normally make anyone fearful.  I can tell you that I know the answer (or at least part of the answer.)  It has nothing to do with how mature a christian I am or am not.  It has nothing to do with the fact that I am ordained or hold a staff position in the church.  It is purely and simply the grace of God that He continually pours out the peace that passes understanding.  It is part of His the core of who He is.  My part is to simply know and trust that He is God, and I am not.  God never asks us to be in control our situations.  No, quite the opposite.  He wants our cares laid on His broad shoulders.  All throughout the New Testament (Romans 6:6,  Galatians 2:20, etc) we are given the graphic picture of we, ourselves, having been crucified with Christ.  Now, if I have been crucified...that makes me dead.  Dead people have no control.  Dead people have no worries.  Dead people have no say in what they are called to do or asked to walk through.  The other side of this is that we are gloriously alive in Christ!  Walking through life holding the keys to the Kingdom, and actually able to use them.
I really think that this is a mindset that we have to make a decision to adopt.  It has nothing to do with feeling.  He is either able & faithful...or He is not.  I declare that He IS!!  It is well.

1 comment:

  1. This was exactly my prayer this morning for you guys :) Continuing to pray for total restoration. Praying that Nicks body come into complete alignment and balance. Love you guys Sharon Valientes
