Friday, July 1, 2011

You Will Bump Into Him

     For those of you who have just started checking this blog, I think that I will start by summarizing  the events of the last few weeks.  Three weeks ago this Monday, we got the word that we were fighting leukemia. Two weeks ago today we checked into to Vanderbilt and began chemo the next day.  One of the chemo drugs came with the warning of a possible side effect of cardiac issues.  Two weeks ago this Sunday Nick awoke with a stroke level heart rate and an atrial fibrillation rhythm.  This lasted for approximately 30 hours.  In the 30th hour God reminded me that He had told me to lay hands on Nick and pray.  Megan and I did just that, and his heart immediately went back to normal.  We then summarily did the dance of joy!
    A week ago last Tuesday Nick was given a new chemo drug with a warning of possible blood clotting side effects.  Last Monday he awoke with pain in his arm just below his PICC line.  They did an ultrasound and found a blood clot in the vein below the PICC.  So, the PICC line had to be removed and he was immediately put on a blood thinning medicine.  It was reported that the clot was in a deep vein, which put him in danger of the clot moving to his heart.  At the same time another factor in his blood that  has a complicated effect on clotting was low.  So he was also being given a blood product protein that caused clotting.  Both medicines were deemed necessary.  It was to be a delicate balance.  People began praying specifically about this situation.  On Tuesday morning the tests were reviewed again and the blood clot was found to be in a surface vein and therefore only a nuisance.  No more danger.  The same day the other blood level was found to be back to normal and is being monitored and properly addressed.  Yesterday he got a new PICC line.  Today they did a bone marrow biopsy on him.  His doctors told us that they were doing it earlier than scheduled because they thought he was already in remission.  He came through this very easily.  We will have results in a couple of days.
     Today we are halfway through this stay at Vanderbilt.  During our initial drive to Vanderbilt, 2 weeks ago, I thought about the 23rd Psalm:  "...though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for You are with me..."  We, as Christians have never been told in the Bible that we would not have to walk through valleys.  We have, however, been re-assured over and over again that we would not walk alone.  It's all about perspective.
      There is a courtyard between the main hospital and the Children's hospital, that houses a Taco Bell and a Pizza Hut.  We frequently take walks in the evening to exercise and get Tacos.  As we walked a few nights ago I kept running into him because I was looking at and talking to him.  I had to change my focus in order to walk and keep my distance.  Where are we looking as we walk through the valleys in life?  If you have ever driven a car, ridden a bike, skied down a slope, or tried to walk a straight line you have experienced this.  Wherever you focus your eyes the rest of your body will follow.  If we keep our focus on the presence of and promises of God we will walk in the peace that is at the core of His character.  If we chose to focus on the shadows of the unknown darkness we will end up experiencing the unrest and anxiety that follows.
    I'm so thankful that He has made it easy to focus on Him.  If you look at Him and talk with Him, you will bump into Him.  It is well!


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