Sunday, July 31, 2011

How Many Knots Are In Your Rope?

"This is the day that the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it."  Choices...choices...the only REAL choice is to just go ahead and be glad about your situation for the day.  Oh, I know, it may not be what you would choose, but go ahead a make the choice to be glad about it.  You'll be glad that you did.

A couple of days ago I was talking with a friend about a myriad of subjects.  We were just catching up.  The subject came around to our first experiences with the Holy Spirit, and  I heard myself say that I had been crying out to God because I had been at the end of my rope.  After we said our goodbyes I was reflecting on the conversation and remembered having seen an episode of Laverne and Shirley where they had to climb a rope in a gymnasium.  A large diameter, straight rope was hanging from the gym ceiling and the students had to climb the rope and ring the bell at the top.  That seemed like an impossible task to me. 

The thought crossed my mind that my rope now is much longer than it was all of those years ago.  It's not nearly so easy to get to the end of it... or even see the end of it.  Not only that, but each of the tests and trials in life have placed a large knot in the rope upon which I can stand.  God has marked my life so far with these rope knots so that even when my faith is weak or wavers, and I slip a bit lower on the rope, there are still other knots to stand on.  The knots above also make it easier to climb back up...even when my strength wanes.

Regardless of how long you have been walking with the Lord, I challenge you to think about the times in your life where He has demonstrated His faithfulness.  Each of these times when it was difficult, or so hard that you thought you were not going to make it, He was working behind the scenes and left a knot in your rope that you can stand on today.

In action movies when someone climbs a rope or crosses a rope bridge, someone always yells, "Don't look down!!"...just as the person being rescued looks down and becomes paralyzed by fear.  Well, you are and I are the ones being rescued, but today the challenge is to take a long hard look down the rope of your life.  Remember God's faithfulness and picture the vast volume of knots in your rope.

I am thankful today that God uses silly memories to re-assure me of His faithfulness!  How many knots are in your rope?  It is well.

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