Saturday, July 16, 2011

Peculiar People

This has been a great day. Nick came through all of the poking and prodding yesterday with flying colors. It really was easier than so many days that we have had so far. Even though he had blood tests, his PICC line removed, a bone marrow biopsy, and a lumbar puncture with chemo instillation he felt better than he has in a while. This morning I buzzed his hair, and he has now gone to eat with Amanda and Andrew. Hopefully we will have several days to be a bit "normal" before we have to go back to Vanderbilt. (I know...I can hear several of you saying, "Y'all have never been normal. What makes you think that this week will be the week?"

We are peculiar people. I Peter 2:9 says, "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."

Webster's Dictionary defines peculiar as "strange; odd; uncommon; usual; distinctive in nature or character from others." I don't know about y'all, but I have always felt peculiar...not necessarily in a Biblical way...just peculiar. Growing up I never was part of the popular group. In grade school I was a red-headed, freckled face, chunky kid who wore home-made clothes. In my teen years I added band geek, straight laced, overly developed, and McDonald's night manager to the list of peculiarities (among other things.)

As long as I can remember I have felt peculiar, and like I just didn't quite fit in. I'm sure that most you can relate to having that feeling at some point in your life. Nick told me yesterday, when he started to lose his hair, that I should post the occurrence so that people would not be surprised and think that he was strange when they saw him. He truly amazes me. He looks very different than he did a couple of months ago, and though his body is relatively weak, he has become so very, very strong.

The truth is that if you have given your life to Christ you are a peculiar person. You are set apart and different than the world. The word translated "peculiar" in I Peter literally means "purchased." I still feel peculiar in the Webster's kind of way, but I am so thankful that I am also peculiar in the Biblical way...So is Nick...So are you. It is well.

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