Thursday, July 14, 2011

Gray Hair Is a Sign Of Godliness (It's in the Bible)

We are back at Vanderbilt...same story...fibrinogen was low. Don't get me wrong. I am very certain that this will end well. I know in whom I have believed. However, I don't think that I could ever have imagined what the day to day journey would be like (if I had ever tried to imagine.) There are many factors that are challenging in our days. Nick has been an awesome, mighty man of faith since day one. I am sure that his perspective is different than mine. However, the perspective that I have is my own, and it is the only one from which I can write.

As I drove to Nashville today I started to ponder how life has changed. Before Nick's diagnosis my iPhone calendar was full. There was something that I needed to remember to do on almost everyday of the week. Now I can not state with any sort of certainty that I will be available on any day of the week to do anything except what Nick needs done. As I pondered this, several scriptures came to mind: Proverbs 9:16 "We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." James 4 talks about not being so self confident that we boast about what we will or will not do. James 4:14 says, "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow?..." The answer is that none of us knows what life will be like tomorrow. We are not even promised tomorrow, but we need to live like we will be here for the next ninety years.

The only thing that I know to do is to follow God, and be flexible. (That's a lot easier for some personalities to do than for others.) 2 Timothy 4:2 talks about being ready at all times to do what God has called us to do. It says to be "ready in season and out of season." It seems that this season is full of unexpected duties, and joy found where I would least expect it. Even though I haven't always handled the uncertainly and moment to moment changes with the grace that I should have, I can see that God is leading in the midst of it.

Here is word of encouragement that I found as I read through the 16th chapter of Proverbs: "31 Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life." I know a lot of godly people! You know who you are.... It is well!

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