Thursday, July 7, 2011

We Are Really Clark Kent.

First of all, please be praying for our son in law, Andrew. He is having some outpatient surgery tomorrow.

We are back in Nashvegas for chemo tomorrow. My car is starting to know exactly where to go when it gets pointed east. Nick has had a pretty good day, and so have I. We talked a lot on the way here. I told him stories from my childhood, and he reminisced about fond memories from his. It was so good to laugh and remember.

Do you remember when you figured out that your parents were just people...not Superman and Wonderwoman? As children we tend to think that our parents know it all. Then as teenagers they know nothing, and by our early twenties we realize that they are just flawed people like us with a bit more experience and wisdom from years of trial and error. I see some parents who never want their children to see them mess up... Or never want their children to know their true identity as Clark Kent instead of Superman. The problem with this is that our kids know that they themselves are not perfect. So, when their parents apparently never mess up; never have to apologize; never admit their faults... The kids get the idea that it is possible to be perfect. After all, their parents ARE perfect. (NOT!) So, there must be something wrong with them. One of the best gifts we can give our kids is to let them see us being human, and to also let them see us being godly...Ask their forgiveness when we are in the wrong... Or harsh... Or just plain behaving badly. They will then see that they can be the kind of Superman or Wonderwoman that we are...the kind that shows the love of God and needs to ask forgiveness all in the same day (or hour or minute.)

It's a good thing that we serve a God who knows well our status as Clark Kent, and loves us unconditionally. It was a day full of 44. It is well.

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