Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Sack Full of Salt Water

     Nick is doing well at day's end.  We did have a little drama today, but as always it is well.  At lunch time today his PICC line started to bleed from the insertion site...not overly much...but it was not supposed to be doing that.  I got the bleeding stopped, but he was also feeling a good bit more yucky that usual.  So, we ended up going to have it seen about.  The verdict was that he was a few quarts low and just needed some H2O.  It's amazing how badly dehydration can make one feel.
     Provision for today...One of the great things that I believe that God is teaching us along this adventure is to be thankful and content with the provision for the day and the moment at hand.  Why does that seem to be such a difficult concept?  I mean...come on... we serve this awesome God who has shown up and shown out in tangibly miraculous ways.  Yet, I have to admit that I would be much more content if God would just send me an email detailing all of the bumps in the road that we are about to experience and the ways that He is going to make it all O.K. in the end.  Do I believe that it WILL be O.K. in the end?  Emphatically...YES!  So, why do I still have this need to know? 
     Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and the assurance about what we do not see."  The Bible talks about each of us who know Jesus having a measure or portion of faith.  I believe that this portion grows as our relationship with Jesus grows. 
     The problem seems to be...Not with the One in whom we have faith...Not in our knowing or not knowing how things will resolve...But in our thoughts about what may or may not happen.  Isn't that true?  Our imaginations can come up with some pretty wild stuff, and the worry that these crazy thoughts produce are never ever productive!  Let's just all resolve to trust the only One who is truly trustworthy.
     It turns out that all we really needed today was a sack full of salt water, and that's exactly what we got.  It is well.

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