Saturday, August 13, 2011

We Have Not Been Snake Bit or Ship Wrecked!

The pancreatitis that was plaguing Nick seems to be much better today.  We are still being very careful about what he eats, but he has had very little stomach pain today.  YEAH!!  He has been very tired today.  Other than waking up to eat and visit a bit, he has slept all day.  Part of that is that he is almost completely off of the prednisone (steroids).  Steroids can literally shut down one's adrenal gland.  So, one of our new prayer requests is that his adrenal gland gets kick started back into normal function.  He also started some new oral chemo today.  So, his body is tired.  I'm thankful that he has been able to rest.

My brother, Scott, son-in-law, Andrew, Glenn and I built a wheel chair ramp today.  Nick can certainly walk.  However, there are days that pain, muscle weakness and fatigue have made it nearly impossible for him to climb stairs or walk very far.  So, we are trying to be wise and make things as functional as possible.  While Nick and I were at Vandy this past week they moved Glenn and I upstairs, and set up Nick's things in our bedroom downstairs.  We are certainly expecting God to intervene in Nick's body.  Yet, we must live while we wait for that intervention with the situational reality of the day.

Have you ever heard someone described as being so Heavenly minded that they were no earthly good?  I remember having heard that saying and being very bothered by it.  However, since then, I have met some folks who could accurately be described as such. (I'm not thinking of anyone particular as I write this.)  Please do not misunderstand...I believe the Word from beginning to end...I believe completely in miracles, signs, wonders, healing, and all of the other ways that God impacts our lives.  However, there seems to be a balance between walking in wisdom while patiently enduring, with faith, the trials of life, and the way that others not only walk out their own faith, but try to impose their zeal and consequential judgement on others. 

Have you read the book of Acts lately?  Wow, those guys endured...snake bites, ship wrecks, jails, stoning, threats and accusations, etc.; and all for the purpose of spreading the gospel.  This omnipotent God that we serve is the same as He was all of those centuries ago.  So, when we have to endure for a season or even for a lifetime, it does not mean that we are not followers of our Savior.  He is faithful!  I still do not necessarily understand this very difficult time, but I am determined to serve Him in the midst of it...and I am expectantly awaiting His intervention.  It is well.

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