Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ridiculously Comfortable

Nick just said to me, "I'm ridiculously comfortable."  This has been a long day, but a very good one.  We are, at this moment, reclining in our recliners in our chemo infusion cubby room. 

We left home at 7:00 this morning, and arrived at the chemo lab a bit after 9:00.  After drawing labs we went to the oncologists office.  As I wrote on Facebook, Nick's clotting factors were still below the basement, but they felt that the bone marrow biopsy had to be done.  So, we came to the infusion lab to get more clotting factors...then back upstairs for the biopsy.  The biopsy usually takes about 1/2 hour, but a full hour ticked by before he was returned to me.  It took a bit longer to get the bleeding under control, but all is well.  Then we quickly made our way to the cafeteria, where we consumed mass quantities of Chinese food and sushi.  Sushi from a hospital cafeteria?? (gasp implied)  Yes, and it was wonderful! 

So, here we are.  Nick is now asleep.  They sat him in a comfy recliner, gave him several pre-chemo meds and a warm blanket.  Sleep has ensued.  These new drugs are a further endeavor into the unknown, but I guess that that is just part of the adventure.

Later, we will be checking into the Hope Lodge...what a huge blessing!!!  The Hope Lodge is a hotel sponsored by the American Cancer Society.  It is completely cost free accommodations for cancer patients receiving treatment at Vanderbilt.  They usually stay booked up, but we got in.  I'm so very thankful!!  The cleanliness standards for the Hope Lodge have to be such that transplant patients are safe there.  So, they not only have comfortable accommodations, WiFi, cable, a gym provided by the Tennessee Titans, and many more amenities, but it is a hotel that is clean like no other.  It is most certainly part of our God given provision for the week!

Why do any of us spend even a moment worrying over the provision for our days?  Can anyone tell me how worry and doubt can even possibly benefit us?  We spend our time pondering which shoes to buy...brand name or no-name noodles at Kroger...we drive 10 miles out of our way to save $0.01/gallon on gas...we haggle and fuss over the most silly things (even within the body of Christ.)  Why is that?  Really!!!  Why is that?

It is because we make choices that we perceive to be profitable for ourselves.  Yes, wisdom does dictate that we make wise choices with the resources that God gives us.  We should spend our money wisely, but why is it that we so frivolously spend our time on worry.  Worry is not profitable...to us...or to the kingdom of God. 

When I was a little girl my Mom had a Bible study for kids in our home.  I don't remember the name of the group, but I do remember one of the songs that we sang.  It goes like this:

Why worry...when you can pray
Trust Jesus...He'll be your stay
Don't be a doubting Thomas
Rest fully on His promise
Why worry, worry, worry, worry
When you can pray

I know that not knowing the tune lessens the impact of this little song, but it was really effective ringing in my ears this morning.  Next time you see me or my Mom ...just ask...you can have the tune in your head too.

Regardless of the concerns on your heart today, please don't spend your time worrying.  Pray and go on with your day.  It is well!

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