Friday, August 19, 2011

Saved from the PURGE!

I'm sorry that I haven't written in a few days.  As my Papa would have said, "I've been as busy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs."   For those of you who do not know, I started back to college in January and was accepted to nursing school beginning now.  I dropped out of the classes I had scheduled for the summer.  However, Nick emphatically let me know a couple of weeks ago that he could not stand it if I dropped out of nursing school.  My response to him was that I would try my best to balance everything, but that he was first priority.  So, if it came down to a choice between him and school, he would just have to deal with him being my choice.

For now we are managing with the balance.  His sisters accompanied him to Vandy this week.  Next week the schedule is such that I can take him.  The next week and weeks to come will be addressed as they come.  Glenn does have a lot of vacation time built up.  So, my two guys may be making the the trek to Vandy together a lot this fall.  It will all work will work out.  Like I said in earlier posts, we also have friends and family who are more than willing to spend time with the Nickster.

He had a couple of really great days this week.  This may not sound like much to the average healthy person, but he actually went with Amanda...inside a the wheelchair...and purchased a couple of games for his Nintendo.   One of the days this week he actually spent most of the day awake watching movies, texting and playing games.  He hasn't done that in a long time.

Today has been less than stellar:  lots of nausea, swollen ankles, unsteady on his feet, and a general malaise.  Yet, there will be more great days around the corner.  I really can not begin to say why some days are like today, and others are like the last two days.  However, I'm just thankful that we have variety.  The great thing that I have to report is that he and Amanda got home shortly after I got home from school.  Just having everyone safe and at home brings a big boost in my peacefulness!

There has been lots of identifiable provision this week.  For me, the biggest thing happened on Wednesday.  I had had several difficulties over the last week getting all of my classes confirmed, and if everything was not straight before day's end I would have gotten purged. one wants to get purged.  It just sounds like a painful process!  I had nursing success class from 8:30 to 4:30ish, then I was supposed to be in Henderson by 5:30 for band practice.  The bottom line is that God worked out everything perfectly.  He used timing that only He could orchestrate and set me at the desk of the one person left on campus that could make things right.  I spoke with very gracious, patient professionals who, whether they knew it or not, were honoring Him in their conduct.  It didn't actually get fixed that night, but I was rescued from the purge.  And...even with all of the other people who needed assistance, by day's end today everything was perfectly in order.  All of my courses are confirmed...paid for by a full scholarship...with money left over to cover books.  God provides!

I also made it to church Wednesday night just in time for practice.  As I was leading worship we sang, "This is my desire to honor You.  Lord, with all my heart I worship You."  I broke down.  I was still able to play the keys, but I could no longer sing through the tears.  (I'm so thankful for a wonderful praise team who flows so easily in the Spirit that not a word or beat was dropped!)  It truly is my desire that my life honor God!

As I have pondered the way God used the staff at Jackson State to save me from the purge, I realize, once again, that we don't have to be preaching to thousands or have some other huge ministry in order for our lives to honor Him.  Oh, I know, some may say that it was simply their job...but, y'all weren't there.  There is a big difference in providing customer service, preparing dinner, writing a speeding ticket, etc...with the desire to honor God and doing the same without that desire.   God is honored and worshiped in our day to day, moment by moment obedience to His will and His way.  He is honored by hearts turned toward Him.  No one else has to know or ever even notice, but He is honored.  It is well.

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