Sunday, August 7, 2011


     Shalom...nothing missing...nothing broken.  As I understand it, shalom, is a word that is used in the Hebrew tradition as a greeting, a parting comment, and much more.  Simply translated it means peace, but not just peace as the typical English speaking person might define it.  In Biblical Hebrew it literally means complete and total wholeness.  In short...nothing missing...nothing broken.  When used as "hello" and "goodbye" one is literally speaking the blessing of unimaginable peace over the life of the hearer.

     As I pondered this word today I started asking God how it is possible for any life on earth to have shalom.  Our lives could never have been defined in natural terms as having nothing missing or nothing broken.  Yet, peace abounds.  Each of our lives carries the same story.  From day to day there are numerous things, people, and emotions that are missing, and even more that are broken.  Yet, peace abounds.

     The shalom of the Old Testament seems to be one in the long line of prophetic pointers toward our Prince of Peace (Sar Shalom,) Jesus.  How can there be nothing  missing, nothing broken?  The only answer, that I know, is that completely indescribable peace that comes from knowing that someone so much greater than I is in charge.  The New Testament calls it the "peace that passes understanding."

    One of my high school friends lost her son yesterday.  Just days before, she wrote to me about the "peace that passes understanding."  I'm so thankful to know that in this time of heart-breaking loss, she knows that peace and the One who provides it.

     We have never been promised that this life will have any measure of physical shalom.  Conversely, the peace that we have been promised is the peace that does not make natural sense.  This peace is the peace that lasts and that is not shaken by life.  However, it affects everything in our lives.

     My prayer for you today is...Shalom.  Because of Sar Shalom...It is well.

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