Friday, August 5, 2011

Hope on a Rope

Wow...there's lots to catch up.  We went to Vanderbilt yesterday expecting for it to be bone marrow biopsy day.  However, Nick had had the chemo infusion during the week before that had negative effects on his blood's ability to clot during previous rounds.  When we got the labs back yesterday we found that his clotting factors were too low to measure...which made it totally unsafe to poke a big hole in his back.  So, he instead got an infusion of cryoprecipitate (which boosts his clotting factors), and we came home.

I guess that this past week has been one the most difficult yet.  He has felt horrible.  Although, I am very happy to report that he is feeling fairly well today.  We have laughed and he has been able to move better today than in the recent past.  We even made pancakes this morning.  I spiked them with vanilla Boost because his protein levels are not where they need to be, and every little bit helps.  He remarked that they were very tasty, and asked if I had added some vanilla.  I said "yes," but waited until he was finished to reveal the secret ingredient.

Right now we are waiting in the E.R. at Jackson General.  When Nick got out of the shower this morning he had what appeared to be a stretch mark on his side.  He has gotten some small stretch marks from the swelling caused by steroids, but this is a monster.  It was about 6" X 1", very deep bloody purple, and it was oozing blood.  Given the fact that his clotting factors are low, this was not a good sight.  I called Vanderbilt, and they instructed to go to the not pass not collect $200 (I added that last part for effect.)  So, here we are.  Hopefully we will just get some more cryo and head home.  For the first time in a long time Nick wants to go out and eat.  So, I really hope that he gets to do that tonight.

This coming Monday morning we have to be back at Vanderbilt bright and early for labs and another stab (pun intended) at the bone marrow biopsy.  We are hoping and praying that whenever he does actually get the biopsy that it is completely clean.  Regardless of the biopsy timing and results, he will start receiving the next chemo drugs dictated by the protocol on Tuesday.  They will be given four days in a row.  So, we will be in Nashville from Monday thru Friday next week.  He has also lost two inches in height since this all started.  So, they will be doing an MRI of his complete spine next week as well.  His oncologist is suspicious of some spine fractures (just another point to pray about!)  I have been speaking to his dry bones, "LIVE!!"

A couple of blogs ago I wrote about not being at the end of my rope.  It was a picture that God had given me.  Then a couple of days later I went to the Bible study that I attend on Tuesdays, and the teacher brought out something so sweet!

Hebrews 6:18-20   (NIV)

18 God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. 19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, 20 where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.  He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.

The word in the above scripture that is translated "hope" is the picture of a rope.  When Jesus rose again he entered the Holy of Holies and anchored that hope in the very presence of the Father.  Isn't that a sweet picture.  Coupled with what God showed me about the knots in my rope...You and I, and everyone who is following Jesus is moving up that rope...anchored by the very hope of Jesus Himself.

We serve a risen Savior, Whose anchor does not fail!  It is well!

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