Saturday, October 22, 2011


Nick came through the bone marrow biopsy very well.  He has been in pain for a couple of days, but that won't last long.  He is still really feeling very well aside from that.  -We haven't gotten the results yet, but I will share them as soon as we know. 

He has had a rest from chemo for the last 3 weeks now.  So, his hair has started to grow back.  The last time that it started to grow back sparsely it was bright red.  Now it is nearly black.  Who knows what it will look like when all this is over.  It may be blonde and curly????

We go back this coming Wednesday and Thursday to restart the chemo process.  I really dread this for him, but at least we have experience with it.  There shouldn't be any surprises or unknown events.

The word for the day ( for me at least) seems to be endurance.  God really does make enduring easy for us.  We have the "Peace that passes understanding" and way more grace than we deserve, but I guess the bottom line is that there is no choice but to endure.  We want the outcome of this adventure to be God's outcome.  So why would we even consider giving up and controlling the outcome ourselves.  Our only hope lies in God's, we endure.

Romans 15:4  For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

Please don't give up whatever it is that God has called you to endure.   Just decide that it is well.

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