Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Bit of Normalcy ...Whatever That Is

Why are Sundays included with the "week end", when they are actually the first day of the week beginning?  (Just a random thought that I had while pondering what to write.)

We are preparing to leave Monday for Vandy.  As I said previously, Nick will be admitted and receive treatment all week.  He is a bit anxious about the unknowns of this new chemo treatment.  So, please pray for him to have that extra measure of peace that he needs.  We have the week divided into slots of who goes when, and I think that it will all work.  (It always does.)  God tells us in His word that we should go ahead and make plans, but the crucial part is that we are to let Him actually order our steps.  One of the hard things about being human is making those plans, and then allowing Him to peacefully change them.  Sometimes we go His way...but needlessly kicking and screaming.  It is all so much more peaceful when we just go with His flow.

We have already gotten some response from people donating blood in Nick's honor.  I didn't tell him about it ahead of time.  He just started getting a couple of cards, and he thought that was pretty awesome.  Blood donors are heroes.  You get my most heartfelt thanks!

I also realize that some of you can not give blood for whatever reason.  Please do not feel badly.  Everyone can pray, and that is the most important thing that anyone can do.

This week has been a good week.  To demonstrate...I came home from clinicals about 12:45 on Friday afternoon.  I had just enough time to make a PB&J, whatever Nick wanted for lunch, and get back to lab at 1:30.  When I come in the door I always head straight to Nick, but this day his bed was conspicuously empty.  I looked in the bathroom and all over the downstairs, but no Nick.  I really wasn't worried, but I texted him pretty quickly.  Megan had come and gotten him earlier, and they were eating at Backyard Burgers.  It is amazing how just a little bit of normalcy can make a Mom feel so good!

We also had several amazing blessings this week.  We serve a God who knows exactly where we are.  It is well!

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