Sunday, January 29, 2012

Anointed or Annoyed???

Today is day +9.  Other than having a really goofy hair do, Nick is doing very well.  His hair is coming out in clumps, and is nearly gone on the front of his head.  There is also a bald spot on the very back of his head.  Glenn joked that he looks like George Kastanza (from Seinfeld.)  It's not a very flattering description, but sort of true.

When Nick's docs came in this morning, one of their comments was that he could not stay here much longer.  He gets more Methyltrexate on day +11, but after that it shouldn't be very long before he can move to the apartment.  He is doing so much better than the average day +9 guy.

I just got back from the worship service in the Vanderbilt chapel.  It is always a sweet time worshiping with believers of all different traditions.  Same Savior...different songs.  The Pastor leading the service had a very thick Russian sounding accent.  I could understand him perfectly, and he very obviously was being led by the Holy Spirit.  As he read the 23rd Psalm I was repeating it with him in my mind.  When he got to the part that says, "He anoints my head with oil," his pronunciation made it sound like, "He annoys my head with oil."  Strobe lights went off in my brain.

Annoys?  Is that ever true?  The sad answer that I have to give is, yes.  I had never thought about it that way, but whenever we sense that empowerment and prompting from God to do something or say something or sacrifice something or even surrender to a life's calling, at that very moment our heads are being anointed for that task.  Do you feel anointed or annoyed?

This morning I had to repent to my sweet Savior for having been annoyed at times by His anointing.  It is a wonderful thing that He weaves our lives together by these moments of anointing, and chooses to trust us, as flawed as we are, to impact the lives of others.  My prayer this morning is that I would no longer EVER be annoyed by His anointing...that regardless of what is going on in my life, I be ever ready to move at His slightest prompting.

I realize that I may be the only one to which this applies, but I believe that I was anointed to share I did.

It is well.

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