Thursday, February 2, 2012

Worth The Wait

YEAH!!!!  Nick is out of the hospital.  We were told that he would get out Tuesday, but Wednesday is just as good.  It was 9 days earlier than the minimum stay.  So, all that I can say is PRAISE GOD!!

Amanda took him to the apartment yesterday after he was discharged.  He was very tired and didn't feel very well.  This morning when Amanda got up she went to his room to see if he wanted some breakfast, and found him standing by his computer eating a pecan spin.  He replied to her breakfast question, "No, I have lots of stuff to download before my appointment at 10:00."  Classic Nick...I would say that he is doing just fine.  What a difference a day makes.

4 1/2 years ago Andrew and Amanda had been courting for over a year.  He was literally at our house every night for more than a year.  They didn't date.  They courted.  When a couple begins a courting relationship they have already decided that they will marry, and are committed to wait for all of the married stuff...until they are actually married.

One afternoon Andrew came to the house to show us the ring and ask for Amanda's hand.  We were elated.  He is a wonderful young man!  That same night, Amanda and I were standing in the kitchen talking, and she began to cry...this was the ugly cry...the kind where you can't catch your breath and certainly can not be responsible for where the snot flies.   She was at the end of her rope believing that Andrew was never going to actually ask her.  I had been sworn to secrecy.  So, all that I could do was try to console her...all the while knowing that tomorrow everything would be completely different.

So many times we get to the end our proverbial ropes and give up just short of everything changing.  Is there something or someone on which you are about ready to give up?  What if tomorrow is the pivot point...where everything tips and heads in a different direction.  What if you have to wait another month or another year?  Will it be worth the wait?

This is my prayer and pondering point for the day:

Romans 15:4-6 (NIV)

4 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.  5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, 6 so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is well!

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