Sunday, January 8, 2012

Multicolored Strobe Lights With Glitter On Top

So much of normal daily life seems to have been a series of unremarkable days strung together with  sparkling, beaded milestone days that stand out in our memories. I am believing that this transplant is not only going to be a sparkling day, but a day full of multicolored strobe lights with glitter on top (metaphorically speaking.)

The schedule has changed by one day since I last posted dates.  Nick goes this Friday (Day -7) to have his current life port removed and have a Hickman port installed.  He will be checked again on Saturday, then admitted on Sunday to begin treatment.  He will get 2 days of high dose chemo, then 3 days of full body radiation.  Next Friday, January 20th, he will receive the transplant.  Amanda begins her treatment this Saturday and should be finished with her portion by the morning of the 20th.

Amanda, Megan, my sister, Emily, and I are Nick's designated care givers for the 107 days.  We will be tag team mothering him.  He will not be able to have visitors other than care givers (and Dad) for the first several weeks.  After the first week or so we will need to be watching closely for any reactions to the transplant called graft vs. host.  He will be on several medications to guard against the reactions, but it will be a miraculous thing if he has no reactions.  As long as we keep a close watch and alert the doctors promptly, these reactions can be taken care of with very little drama.  If everything goes as planned, he should be reaction free after a year or so.  By then his body should be completely converted to Amanda's DNA, and no longer fighting against itself.

He is expected to be in-patient at Vanderbilt for approximately 21 days, then we should move to an apartment close to Vanderbilt for the remainder of the 100 days.  We are supposed to gain access to the apartment this week so that family can sleep, rest, shower, wash clothes, and eat there.  However, there seems to be some difficulties with the apartment arrangements.  Please pray that all of these details will work out peacefully.  We do not have access to the accommodations about which we were originally told, but I am just expecting that that means that we will have more of a blessing in store.

For those who have asked, I'll detail a bit of what is going on with the rest of us.  I am beginning my second semester in nursing school, and should graduate in May 2013.  Amanda  will graduate in December 2012.
I am taking only 1 of the 2 clinical courses usually taken at this point, but will make up the shortfall later.  This choice will allow me to be at Vanderbilt Thursday evening through Monday evening or Tuesday morning of each week while Nick is there.  The other caregivers will cover Tuesday through Thursdays.  I am also taking a History course online.  I only lack a couple of classes having the prerequisites for pursuing my masters after I complete the RN next May.  There will be a lot of sitting and studying time during the next 107 days.  Megan is saving lives as an ER nurse, and Glenn is still protecting the citizenry.

Please continue to pray.  I don't feel like I have anything profound to say today, but we are standing in faith and pursuing peace!

It is well.

1 comment:

  1. you are all in my prayers. my words fail me as to say what i am feeling about what you and your family are going through .i am full of aww and sorrow and at the same time strengthen by the grace you have shown .like i said my words fail me.. just know i am thinking of you and praying.
    love and miss you , kim w.
