Thursday, January 12, 2012

You Silly Girl

Nick is having a short surgical intervention in the morning.  They are removing his Power Port and replacing it with a Hickman Line.    It shouldn't take very long, but it's surgery nonetheless.  Both the Power Port & Hickman Line are central lines.  To put it simply, they are internal IV catheters that provide access from the outside of his body to just above his heart.   The Power Port can only be used for one thing at a time.  Whereas, the Hickman has 3 separate lines.  The transplant requires a Hickman.

This has been a week of blessings and difficulties (Sounds like normal life, doesn't it?).   A dental check-up and any needed dental work was a  requirement of the transplant.  So, he was to go Monday & Tuesday to have a few fillings.  Tuesday he was way to nauseous to "have some guys hand in my mouth," as he put it.  So, we moved Tuesday's work to Wednesday.  When he got there the dentist advised that he should pull 2 of Nick's wisdom teeth that were crowding on the side that would already be numb.  I really don't think that either Nick or the dentist knew that that would not be a wise course of action at this time.  It took several hours to get the bleeding stopped the first time.  Then came a nap, pain meds, and some chicken nuggets.  After another nap the bleeding started up again, and we didn't get it stopped until very late last night.  Megan arrived at 5:45 this morning to whisk him away to Vandy.

There was some question this morning as to whether the pulled teeth would postpone the transplant, but after much consultation it was decided that we could proceed.

Megan and Nick checked in to the aforementioned apartment this afternoon.  Nick texted me that it was luxury accommodations...just like a vacation house.  We didn't know til yesterday that...not only are the utilities included, but utilities include WiFi & cable.   Yet another blessing!  When God arranges something He takes care of all of the details.

My sweet cousin, Gaye Lynn, expressed this so well on my Facebook page:  "Don't you love when God can say, "You silly girl. All that concern for nothing...I've got your back!" He is ALWAYS in control and we are always and hugs!"

I'm so thankful that such a wonderful God desires a relationship with this flawed human.  Meeting our needs...building our faith...and loving us like we can't even imagine.

Day -7 eve, and it is well.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God!
    Those surprises just keep coming!!!
