Saturday, January 21, 2012

Life-Changing Camping Mattress

Yesterday's transplant went very well.  There is much preparation that goes into safe guarding against reactions, but we had no reactions with which to deal.  Before the transplant they pre-medicated Nick with several anti-nausea drugs, Tylenol, & Benadryl, which all worked together to make him very sleepy.  So, the only small difficulty that we had was to watch his oxygen saturation.  Whenever it would drop, Amanda or I would poke him or stroke his hand and remind him to breathe.  It was like poking an angry bear with a stick.  He was so sleepy, and was not happy at all that we repeatedly had to awaken him.  That wore off in a couple of hours, and he really felt great.

The doctor and attending nurse were amazed at how easy it went...absolutely no complications.  You prayer warriors out there are making a tangible impact on our lives!

Today Nick has been very tired.  He has slept most of the day, but the amazing thing is that we both slept last night.  What a difference it makes to sleep more than an hour or so in a row.  We were still sacked out when the docs came in at 0900.  On a useful side note:  If you ever have to stay all night in a pull out chair, especially several nights in a row, a trip to Walmart can make all the difference in the world.  I got a twin sized camping mattress and a plug-in blower-upper for less than $20.  Talk about a great investment!  When we are finished with this adventure I plan to make sure that every room on Vanderbilt's oncology floor is equipped with these life-changing camping mattresses.  There are caregivers sleeping in pull-out chairs in nearly every room.

This is day +1...just 99 more, and home we go.

It is well.


  1. Glad to hear that he's doing well. How's Amanda doing????

    Count me in on purchasing one of the mattress & blow up thingy. I'll be glad to make a donation. I had to spend ONE night in one of those awful pull out things when Joe had his heart cath. I can't imagine doing it on a regular basis.

    Praying continued miracles for y'all. HUGS!!!

  2. > ! ! ! ! <

  3. Yes, I would love to be part of purchasing one of the mattresses and blow up thing as I too had to spend the night in a chair and I though my back would break the next day. Also my disposition was horrible (talk about being a bear).

    It sooooo good to hear that Nathan is doing well and Yes, God is good. Will keep praying.
    God Bless, Pam forsythe
