Wednesday, November 23, 2011

You Are Loved

Happy Thanksgiving eve!!!  We have so much for which to be thankful...and so do you!

This has been a really good much so, that I didn't really have anything to say.  Nick has felt good.  His counts are back up into "non-isolation" range.  So, he has had a buddy here for the last couple of days.  They have been playing a game on-line.  It is such a picture of our electronic world today.  I stepped in his room yesterday afternoon.  Nick was sitting at his computer desk with big ear-phones on his head...intensely concentrating on his computer screen.  (He didn't even hear me come in the room, and he usually hears EVERYTHING.)  His friend was sitting on the floor, not 3 feet from Nick, with his laptop in the seat of a chair.  They were playing this "shoot-em-up" game where they both had virtual characters fighting on the same team.  They were communicating with each other and their other team members by voice-over IP.  I could hear them talking to one another in the room, but they could only hear each other through their head phones.  They could have been in different parts of the world and had the same interaction.

Starting tonight - through this weekend, families all over the world will be getting together to eat turkey. (Yes, I realize that Thanksgiving is an American holiday, but there are Americans all over the globe.)  Some families will gather just because it's what they have always done.  They really don't want to, but they will.  Some will be overwhelmed with joy at spending precious moments with loved ones who they only get to see once a year.  Some will share a meal via Skype or other electronic media...half a world away from those they so greatly desire to hug in person.  Yet, many others will not gather at all because of offenses (perceived or real), personality clashes, things said in anger, unforgiveness, and a myriad of other reasons.

One of the things that I believe God is teaching us through this journey is the value of life, family, and just being together.  I realize that some of you may not have family close enough to gather together.  Some may have valid, wise reasons for not spending time with some family members, and some may be so sick...or heartsick that they can not physically drive over the river and through the proverbial woods.  If you find yourself in one of these last three categories...or know someone who is...please reach out to someone.  Make that phone call that you have been wanting to make.  Drop by and spend some time with that person that God has had on your heart for weeks now.  Invite someone who is alone to share your turkey.  (You know that next week you are going to feel guilty about how much turkey you are throwing away...only after torturing your loving family with 16 straight breakfasts, lunches and suppers prepared out of the "One Million Ways to Use Leftover Turkey" cookbook.)

Years ago, 1984,  Glenn & I lived in Virginia Beach, VA...16 hours from home.  My mom and dad came to visit, and mom said that she wanted to leave me with something that I should never forget.  It hangs in my kitchen today.  Regardless of your holiday plans, or lack thereof, I want to share my 'something to never forget' with you.  It's true whether you feel like it or not.

I am so thankful for my family and friends.  You have all shown us how much we are loved this year!

To complete this year let's...Spend some time with someone...Enjoy someone's company...Listen, talk, and listen some more...even if it's on voice-over IP and you are three feet away.  It will make a difference.

It is well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Lorie. Glad to hear Nick is doing well. "Had to take my eldest son to the er at Nashville while we were there. He's having trouble with high blood pressure. Thought he was better, while he was on his way back 'home in GA he had another spell. Have a great fime with "family" and son't forget "Father."
    Troy D. Massengill
