Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mysterious Medical Conundrum

The week is going well.  Nick has tolerated the chemo bombardment like a champ.  His doctor came in this morning and literally said, "I don't really have anything to say.  You are doing great. Keep up the good work."

The chemo floor at Vanderbilt is set up as a circle.  The nurse's station, nutrition room, clean linen and supply rooms, etc. are in the center of the circle.  The patient's rooms are on the perimeter.  So, the hall is kind of like a very slow moving walking track. Each of the chemo patients is encouraged to "do laps" every day.  So we went out this morning to "work out."  I lost count of how many laps we did, but Nick was going strong.  We lapped lots of folks in bunny slippers, questionably flapping gowns and stocking caps.  If he hadn't been dragging the IV pole, he may have broken into a full fledged trot. (O.k... probably not, but hopefully my enthusiastic description is giving you a close to accurate picture of how great the morning has been.)

We did get some more details about the "plan":  The total days of treatment will be approximately 107.  The count starts at day -7. (Why they don't start with "1" is some sort of mysterious medical conundrum.)  Transplant day is day zero, and completion of transplant period is approximately day 100.  He will have to stay in the hospital about 30 days, then in Nashville for the remaining time period.  We are supposed to have a consult with the transplant team today.  Hopefully we will get some further details.  

Even though we have (potentially) lots of difficult days to come in the future.  I am thankful for the peace and grace to be able to enjoy the easy days.  It is well.

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