Monday, November 14, 2011

We Are All "Pink"!

I will begin this post with with a little disclaimer:  If today's post offends you, then please pray about why it offends you.  We ALL have work left for God to do in our hearts.  So why not use this as an opportunity to get this subject settled.

I remarked to Nick last night that his color was so much better.  Last Thursday when his counts were so low he was glowingly translucent white. Last night he had "pinked up," and was looking much more healthy.   After the time that I have spent in nursing school, I could explain to you why he was so white, but let's just suffice it to say that unusually pale is a sign that something is amiss.  For that matter, if someone is more gray than usual...more yellow than usual...more blue than usual...more green than usual...or more white than usual...something is wrong, and they need some pretty quick attention.

After I got in bed, the conversation that I had just had with Nick started my thinking process.  Here in the south the issue of color has been a hotbed of controversy throughout my lifetime, and for countless decades before I was even a glimmer in my Momma's eye.  As a nurse, I will need to look for, and note a person's color, but not like you may think.  I am looking for colors that signify that a person needs my help...not for colors that signify ethnicity.   Everyone is normally "pink" underneath.  If we tried to distinguish all of the different outer colors of people's skin, the subsequent chart would be way too big to carry in my scrubs pocket, and completely useless on top of that!  Heck...there are 5 different shades in my lily white family of 5.

I have encountered much controversy over this subject in my ALMOST (but not yet) 50 years as a southerner.  My family lived in Memphis during the time that Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated, and I saw much anger, hatred, and division on both sides of the battle.  Yes, I said battle.  It was a war that, sadly,  still lingers today.  However, this war began righteously!  All men and women truly are equal in the sight of God, and should never have been designated as anything other than equal.  However, somehow the enemy of the Kingdom of God got into the mix and completely divided what God intended to be His church.  As a child, I even heard the following scripture preached with the term "unequally yoked" being translated as having reference to not marrying outside of one's own ethnic groups.  WHAT??  Did the person preaching even read the scripture?

2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

God is very clear about how He looks at us, and how we are too look at one another:

1 Samuel 16:7
...For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

This is another of those subjects about which I am extremely passionate!  About 30 years ago I had an encounter with God where I realized how deeply His heart was grieved about this division among His children.  There is such power in unity, and the enemy is still trying to keep us divided.  So, whatever your outward appearance...if there is even the slightest bit of division in your heart concerning people of a different shade...please allow God to heal that wound. (You've been hit with one of Satan's fiery arrows.) Start looking for the pink in your neighbor's skin.  Underneath that outer's just like yours.  You can see it if you really want to.

It is well!


  1. Lori, Although I read your posts I don't think I have ever commented on one of them. But this time I am. I agree with you 100%. We are all God's wonderful matter what color our skin is. You said it perfectly!

  2. I like your posts. I've tried to comment on some of them but never I suceeded. But I hope this gets through. May God BLESS you all!

  3. Amen and Amen!!! Love it! This is for everyone. Know that we love you & you are forever on our hearts!
