Saturday, November 5, 2011

Plum Near Giddy

Nick and Glenn got home early this afternoon.  Nick is still feeling good, and his labs look good as well.  I have to give him a shot later tonight to help his counts recover...Although, they haven't gone down yet.  The normal thing would have been for his platelets, white blood count, etc. to have already dropped, but it is better for him that they haven't.  As long as his counts stay up his immunity stays intact as well.  We will go to have labs drawn twice a week for the next couple of weeks here in Jackson.  So, we will know when he has to be in the aforementioned pseudo isolation.

I found out more info about how the 107 days will work.  Can I just say one more time that Vanderbilt rocks!!  We had been told that we would have to get an apartment close to Vanderbilt, but we didn't know any more details.  Don't get me wrong...God has met every need so far.  So, I knew it would work out, but it was starting to sound like a situation that was going to be very financially challenging.  Here's the long and short of it:  The apartments where we need to stay cost $2400.00 a month + utilities.  The transplant adviser handed me a paper describing the apartment amenities and the cost.  My heart sank.  How in the world?  Then the adviser said, "We are going to contact your insurance company.  They usually cover part it, and Vanderbilt is going to cover the rest.  We will also cover $100 a month of your utilities, but you have will have to pay the balance."  What in the world?   I am so thankful that I am plum near giddy.   ( If you are not from the south...plum near giddy means, "overwhelmingly happy")

God has done things like this over and over again.  There have been so many times that I had no idea how things would work out.  Sometimes the answer has come just after we found out about the need, and sometimes the answer has come at the last minute.  About 6 weeks ago we had a need that seemed overwhelming.  Glenn and I were the only ones who knew about it.  At the last minute I got a phone call from our church saying that I needed to stop by the office.  When I got there I found that someone had dropped off an envelop full of money with instructions to give it to me.  I have no idea who it was, but I do know that whoever it was had heard from God.  The next day I got a similar call again.  The combination of amounts was exactly what we needed.  God has done this a number of times, and I know that He will continue. 

For those of you who God has used in our lives, I can't express how thankful I am.  You have been God's physical feet and hands.  I know that it is a joy to give when God lays it on your heart, but I just want you to understand that you have made a tangible difference in our lives.  Whether you have given of your time to lift us up in prayer, brought us spaghetti, chili, chicken casserole, meatballs, etc, or you were the one who dropped off the envelop or other have ministered to us.  Your kindness and obedience to God's prompting has helped to build our faith...not just meet our physical needs.  My prayer is that each of you will reap that Biblical 100 fold return.

I'm so thankful!!!  It is well.

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