Friday, December 9, 2011

Write Down The Vision...

We are perking right along.  Nick has had a pretty good week.  He is really ready to stop all of this isolation stuff.   His white blood count was sky high as of Monday, but we think that we know what caused it.  He doesn't seem to have any kind of infection. (Which is usually why someone's white count would be elevated.)  He hasn't had any fever, and he feels fairly good.  So, we think that it was caused by a shot that I gave him last Friday.  The shot was supposed to boost his white count following the high dose chemo.  So, we think that it was just doing it's job.

This coming Thursday is the biopsy day.  I know that I mentioned it in the last post, but it is so critical that this biopsy be clean.  I sometimes feel as though we are mountain climbers.  We know that we are moving toward the summit of the mountain (healing & restoration), but it may take us a while to get there.  So, we climb from ledge to ledge...step by step...milestone to milestone... sometimes making camp, but never ceasing to keep the goal in sight.

As I was writing the paragraph above I thought of the following scripture.  I stopped writing for awhile and read the book of Habakkuk.  I have read it many times before, but as it usually does, this portion of God's word seemed new again.   This book of the Old Testament is basically a recording of the prophet Habakkuk crying out to God about the desperate situation of the nation of Israel.  They had been pummeled, and Habakkuk was letting God know that it wasn't right...or fair...or fun...or any kind of situation that they wanted to be in. (Some how I can relate.)  So, at the beginning of chapter 2 he basically tells God that he will stand watch and await God's answer:

Habakkuk 2: 2-4
2 The Lord answered me:
    "Write down the vision;
       write it clearly on clay tablets
       so whoever reads it can run to tell others.
 3 It is not yet time for the message to come true,
       but that time is coming soon;
       the message will come true.
    It may seem like a long time,
       but be patient and wait for it,
    because it will surely come;
       it will not be delayed.
 4 The evil nation is very proud of itself;
       it is not living as it should.
       But those who are right with God will live by faith

At the end of the book, Habakkuk proclaims to God that he is willing to wait on God's intervention, and that he will worship God regardless of the situation.

I think that part of what I am doing with this blog is writing down our vision so that each of you can run with us.  I'm so thankful that you are running.  The goal is in sight.  Keep on keeping on.  While we wait for the vision to be fulfilled we will continue to worship.

It is well.

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