Monday, December 19, 2011

No Small Task!

The news as of late last Friday is that the latest biopsy was not clean, but the transplant team feels that it is in Nick's best interest to proceed with the transplant.  He has undergone nearly constant chemo since the middle of June, and they do not believe that continuing chemo would give him further benefit.  The volume of leukemia in his bone marrow is very minute.  However, left unchecked, it will likely do what cancer does, and spread once again.  So, we will soon be proceeding with the transplant protocol.

Amanda, Megan, Nick, & I are going to Vanderbilt this Thursday, and we should return with some definitive answers about timing.  As the Mom of two of the precious people involved in this transplant it is difficult on a number of levels.  Of course, Nick's healing is at the forefront of all of our mind's.  That is the number 1, most important, priority focus in all of our lives.  However, my prayer is also that Amanda be able to continue with nursing school, and not fall behind because of her sacrifice to her brother. (Amanda is Nick's bone marrow donor.)

She has just successfully completed her 3rd semester and is scheduled to graduate next December.  This will all work out if we can get this show on the road and begin the process soon.  She is willing to proceed no matter what the cost, but I sure would like for it to work out positively for everyone concerned.

I feel like the next words out of my mouth need to be, "Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine, Lord."  That really is my attitude.  God has witnessed this all...from beginning to end.  He has the big picture.  However, I also know from His word that He very much wants us to ask for what we want, intercede for the welfare of others, and not give up...all the while being willing to maintain contentment with whatever the outcome eventually becomes.  That is NO SMALL TASK.

I have had a number of people comment on the strength with which we have handled this situation, and now seems to be about the right time to bring this up.  It is true that we have had a great measure of strength that has carried us...literally carried us through our weakness.  If you had been my dear friend who called Friday evening, you would have witnessed it first hand.  The unclean biopsy news hit me like a ton of bricks.  So, at 4:00 p.m. I just gave up, put my jammies on, and went to bed.  I didn't want Nick to see me so very sad, and unable to control the tears.  So I curled up in the covers trying to escape.  About half an hour later my cell phone rang.  I tried to brave up, but just couldn't do it.  I answered the phone...sobbing, snot and all.  Her response was to pray, and to call others to pray.  I am so thankful that God does not let us curl up and hide for very long.

The "strength" that some of you have been witnessing has absolutely nothing to do with us.  Oh yes, we are a part of the equation, but not the strength side.

II Corinthians 12:9 (NKJ)
9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

We have definitely been walking in strength, but just let me tell is the strength that God himself has exchanged for our weakness.

I am so thankful that we serve the faithful, mighty, omnipotent God, and that He gives us the grace to let Him exchange our weakness for His might.  Otherwise, we would all just be sleeping on wet, tear stained sheets.

It IS well!

1 comment:

  1. Every now and again, we ALL need a good, snotty cry. And who more than you would be justified to claim that right about now?????

    I don't post much, but know that I pray for you all faithfully. Y'all are on my mind all the time. I ask Glenn about Nick just about every time I see him (and since I see him 3 or 4 times a week, he's probably ready to knock me over the head).

    I've been truly amazed by the strength ALL of you have shown throughout this ordeal. I KNOW that's a God thing. Can't wait to see Nick walking in the healing we've all agreed he'll have.

    Love you guys....and Merry Christmas :-)
