Tuesday, July 10, 2018

How is My Breath?

     This morning I began in Romans.  I have no idea how many times I have read the book of Romans, but there is always something new in scripture...always. In Romans 1:9 Paul writes, "God, whom I serve in my spirit..."  For some reason this phrase jumped out at me.  So, I went to Strong's concordance to see how it was translated from the Greek.  "Serve" is a verb and can literally be translated as being active in doing something.  No surprise there.  "In" is a preposition, and it literally links the aforementioned action to a specific moment in time.  It links the action and the "spirit" to right now...this moment...today.  The word "spirit", in this passage, is the word for breath, and it is also the word used for Holy Spirit.  Both are essential to life, and neither can be seen (except when it's really cold outside : ).
     I am fairly certain that I had not seen this nuance before.  Paul knew that he was performing the exact action at the exact moment that was ordained by God and empowered by Holy Spirit through Paul's breath...or his words...his words that were being breathed by Holy Spirit and that are still speaking life to us today. 
     As I sit her pondering how this relates to me, I can't help but realize that Roman's 1:9 did not just mean Paul's breath.  It meant my breath as well.  It meant your breath.  It meant our collective breath as the Body of Christ.  There is a popular worship song that I love called, Great are You Lord, and part of the lyrics say, "It's Your breath, in our lungs, So, we pour praise, pour out our praise..."  How awesome is it to know that our breath is that of Holy Spirit.   Or, is it?  Have you noticed that God always gives us choices in following Him?  As Romans 1 continues we see that God has made Himself clearly seen by all.  No one has an excuse to not know Him, but some make the choice to not follow Him.  Paul says in verse 25 that, "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator..."  The chapter ends with vivid descriptions of how this choice leads to judgement and separation from God.
     The good news is that we can also make the choice to take Him at his Word.  We can embrace the truth and serve Him in our spirits.  However, we need to realize that to serve Him continuously it is a moment by moment event.  Each breath is marked in time.  Each word, each breath, and each act counts eternally.  My prayer today is that my breath will honor Him; that my breath will reflect the truth of Who He is; and that I will pour out praise.  Thank You, God, that You are not done with me yet.  Thank You for Your mercy, Your kindness, and Your never failing love that forgives and forgets as I repent.  Thank You for Your breath of life and Your empowerment to serve You.  "It's Your breath in our lungs.  So, we pour out our praise.  We pour out our praise."

It is well!

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