Thursday, July 12, 2018

Empty Handed

      Have you ever heard someone say that they were a "self-made man, " or an "independent woman?"  How about, "Well, I pulled myself up by my own boot straps," or "This accomplishment is all ME!?"  I recently had someone tell me that he/she needed no help and no grace.  (Literally, when the statement, "I do not need grace" was uttered, I looked around the room to see where the lightening was going to hit.)  All of this person's accomplishments would be his/her own, and that no one else would be able to take credit.  These statements remind me of my grandchildren who have frequently said, "I can do it myself!!"

    So, just like we do with our children and grandchildren, God will often let us have our way.  He often allows us to handle the situation.  All the while, He is watching and waiting for us to realize our desperate need for Him.  This is but one example of His kindness that draws us to repentance.  However, the truth of the matter is that we do need Him desperately.  By virtue of our very existence we should understand that our lives are a reflection of our Creator, but often it is just not the case.

     My inspiration this morning came from the song in the video above.  There is one phrase in particular that I think is key to being a fruitful follower of Christ.  It is the realization of the truth of this phrase that places us in the greatest position for success, power, and meaningfulness to the Kingdom of God:  "...Lord, I came here with nothing, but all that You have given me..."

     When discussing their physical problem of the day, I often quote Psalms 139:14 (NKJV),  "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well" to my patients.  But, it is not only our bodies that were designed and actually formed by our Creator.  The totality of who we are, mind, body, and spirit, were "fearfully and wonderfully made."  The way our brains are wired in order to function creatively, analytically, or compassionately is all Him.  Our gifts and callings really have nothing to do with us.  He placed them within us for His glory, and He empowers their use for the furtherance of the Kingdom.  According to the world, the point at which we realize that we have NOTHING to offer the most important Person in our lives should be our weakest point.  But it is not!  That is the point at which we are the most useful, the most fruitful, and the most powerful.  II Corinthians 2:9 (NKJV), "And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

      Although etiquette gurus would probably eschew this admonishment, God begs us to show up empty handed.  We do need grace.  We do need help.  We can not do it all by ourselves, regardless of what the "it" is.   We have nothing to offer Him, yet he calls us His treasure and assures us that He has given us everything that we could possible need to do life His way (II Peter 1:3).  It is good to grow up and know that we cannot do it all by ourselves.  Show up empty handed, and watch in amazement as God multiplies your nothing into something wonderful.

It is well.

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