Sunday, September 18, 2011


The fevers broke and Nick has felt fairly well for the last couple of days.  (Thanks for the prayers!!)  I can also tell that the back brace has helped.  Even when he doesn't have it on, his posture is better than it had been.  We still don't have the results from the tests last week, but the pain has also been absent for the last couple of I'm just believing that God took care of whatever it was.

He and I will spend the day at Vandy tomorrow.  Then, he and Megan will go back for the day on Thursday.  It will be a relatively easy week.  At least that is the plan as we know it today. 

Pastor Cupples at Love and Truth Church in Jackson frequently asks the congregation, "What is the only constant at Love & Truth Church?"  The answer is "change."  (Not change in the message of the Gospel, but frequent change in the delivery methods, technology, and physical surroundings.)  The question and answer apply so well to our personal lives as well.

The only constants at our household seems to our faith in God and our love for one another.  The rest of almost everything else has been nearly constantly changing for the last year now.  However, one of the best lessons that I have learned in constant change is to focus on the things that actually matter.  Frustration and distraction seem to be the results of focusing on the temporary changes instead of the trustworthy constants.

We serve a God is who the same yesterday, today, and forever.  If you think about it...He is the only thing in all of life that never changes.

Changes and is well!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the encouraging words today at Vanderbilt. We will be praying for your son and please pray for my husband. Remember, "cancer's not for sissies!" God is bigger than any old cancer!
