Thursday, June 20, 2019

Oh Dear! What Has Happened?

As many of you, I imagine, I have been trying to make sense of the changes of late in our world.  I have pondered and prayed and prayed some more, but I cannot make sense of so many things that others hold as undeniable truth.  So, I have decided to think through and record my reasonings in hopes of someday having a respectful conversation with someone who differs from my view.  Maybe, just maybe, I will then be able to understand where our differences lie.  I will not likely agree with him/her, and he/she will not likely agree with me, but we both may learn something new.  So here goes:

1      Right and wrong, moral and immoral, truth and lie are not contingent upon difficulty or emotions.  Yes, I understand that there are times where a lie can be compassionate, but it is still a lie.  Breaking a contract or a covenant is immoral regardless of the consequence.  Stealing, rape, murder, etc. are still wrong regardless of the reason.  When did we, as people, become so weak as to no longer take responsibility for our own actions?  In society, one of the changes that I have seen is that people actually fight for the right to redefine feelings and convenient actions as truth, right, and good.  Not only this, but the same folks tend to think it is their right to redefine the same issues for everyone as well.  So, let me get this right…you have the right to redefine all manner of concepts for yourself…which somehow means that if I disagree with you, that makes me wrong on a moral level?  Oh dear! 

So here is how I see it.  I am fine with your not agreeing with me.  If I disagree with you, that will not change my character, and I do not expect it to change yours.  I will still love you, treat you kindly, and even respect all of the things that are respectable about you.  Differing opinions do not define people.  I still expect people of character to behave as people of character.  Additionally, please know that, as a medical professional, I will not waver on the fact that life and death are definable and pronounceable (legally), and that body parts and chromosomes determine gender.  Feelings are real as well, but feelings should not redefine the meaning of language.

Yes, I am a Christian, and God’s Word is the basis of my reasoning.
Proverbs 6:16-19, “There are six evils God truly hates and a seventh that is an abomination to him:17 Putting others down while considering yourself superior, spreading lies and rumors, spilling the blood of the innocent,18 plotting evil in your heart toward another, gloating over doing what’s plainly wrong,19 spouting lies in false testimony, and stirring up strife between friends.  These are entirely despicable to God!”

2.     All life is defined genetically.  Our chromosomal makeup as humans is unique among all living things, just as all other life is unique genetically.  We are genetically close to apes, but there are big differences.  Tyrannosaurus Rex was genetically close to sparrows, but there are huge differences.

3.     Thing that are alive grow, develop, or change.  Things that are not alive do not grow, develop or change.   Plants, animals, people, bacteria, viruses, etc. all changes and develop as they live.  When they die, other forces take over and cause decay.

4.     Seeds have life potential.  Horticultural seeds contain the genetic instructions to produce a specific kind of plant which will yield specific fruit or veggies or flowers, etc.  It is my assertion that a tomato seed is not a growing tomato plant, but it has potential to be a growing tomato plant.  In order to activate the life of a tomato seed it must be combined with a specific substance and be placed in a specific environment.  As soon as one places a seed in the dirt and adds water, viola, the transformation begins.  Within days, one could dig it up and see the evidence of growth and thus life.  Mix in some sunshine, and a tomato and mayonnaise sandwich in is your future.

5.     Sperm and eggs are people seeds:  Each sperm that is created within a man has the potential to provide half of the genetic material for creating a new human.  A sperm is not a person.  Actual live sperm are not people either.  The swimming/living part of each sperm is actually just a vehicle for the seed portion to get to the proper mixing ground.  An egg is not a person, but each egg with which a female is born carries half of a potential person’s genetic material.  In average people, sperm and eggs are lost on a regular basis.  Women lose at least one every month, and men lose them more often, one would imagine.  We see Biblical evidence that God designed it that way.  He encourages married people to love each other in way which facilitates that loss.  So, God does not equate the loss of an egg or sperm to the loss of life.  They are just seeds or potential life.

6.     Mix them up and the story changes:  When people seeds are mixed in the proper way and in the proper place, they immediately begin to grow and reproduce.  The product is alive.  The human is alive.  The zygote is genetically human and living.  It is constantly developing, changing, and progressing.  

7.     Before a woman even knows that she is pregnant… her baby has a face, his own blood type, and a beating heart.  No, none of it looks like it will look in a few months, but the heart tissue is beating around 65 beats per minute and the face is recognizably human.  During that first month since conception the placenta has formed so that Mom can supply oxygen and nutrients to the baby, but Mom’s blood supply is her own and the baby’s blood supply is his own.  They do not mix.  They are separate human beings.  Why does the baby need oxygen?  Because, he is alive.

Between the 17th and 30th days after conception the baby’s neural tube forms.  This is the tissue that will completely differentiate into the spinal cord, spine, brain, and skull.  These are all of the tissues which form thought, reason, feel pain, instruct the other organs, and enable one to love, hate, and experience the gamut of human emotions.  By the second month after conception, all of this is well formed. (That’s just 8 weeks pregnant)

By the 3rd month the baby is fully formed.  All of his organs are in place and starting to function.  They still need time to mature, but the liver is making bile, the circulatory system is functioning and the urinary tract is producing urine.  By the 4th month of pregnancy everything is fully developed:  eyebrows, fingernails, hair, everything!  The baby may suck his thumb, make faces, yawn, and move around in a coordinated, purposeful manner.  This is a human who simply needs time to fully mature.

8.      Abortion is the ending of a human life.  Because of the science and reasoning above I believe that abortion, at any stage, is equivalent to murder.  I cannot even begin to understand the stance that this is a choice about a woman’s own body.  Yes, the baby is being carried by the woman, but the baby’s body is in no way a part of the woman’s body.  It is genetically separate.  The blood supply is separate.  The only attachment is through the placenta which is much like an electrical outlet and a cord.  The placenta (which is at the end of the cord attached to the baby) is temporarily plugged in to mom, and it will be expelled as soon as the carrying is finished.  Abortion is the ending of a human life, and that is a very clear concept to my scientific mind.

9.     What about extenuating circumstances?  I have heard a number of arguments from pro-choice advocates who state that un-wanted pregnancy creates a hardship on women who are unable to care for the child.  What about when the child is the product of rape or incest?  What about when the pregnancy causes a woman to lose her career or her relationship? I can certainly sympathize with anyone who finds themselves in a very difficult situation. I cannot even imagine the emotional pain that one would endure carrying a child of her attacker.  However, I believe that, even though this is gut wretchingly difficult, one must really look at what is being asked.

The question that is being asked is, “Is murder alright when committing it to avoid heartache and difficulty?” 

The answer to that question is a resounding, NO!  People are not allowed to kill people without going to jail.  People are not even allowed to kill pets without going to jail.  What makes this situation different?  Please see point #1.  There are things that are right, and there are things that are wrong.  A woman’s choice comes before conception.  In the case of rape or incest the question becomes, “Does one horrific act justify another?”  No.  Oh, I can hear the gasps or indignation, but torture of one innocent person does not make it o.k. to murder another, separate, innocent life. 

My last point is to answer another situation about which I have heard from pro-choice advocates:  If the fetus is not self-sustainable or viable in the atmosphere, then it is not truly alive.  I believe that I have adequately given my stance on the definition of life, but please consider this.  If a baby is born and left to fend for himself, he will die.  He cannot feed himself, clothe himself, perform his own hygiene, or tend to his own medical care.  In this case the parents will be charged with neglect and murder, and jailed or worse.  Why?  Even in the states where abortion has few limitations (i.e.…  It is legal to abort babies regardless of gestation), there are laws which provide for an assailant to be charged with two murders when he/she takes the life of a pregnant woman.  So, which is it?  Is the baby a person only if someone other than his mother orders the killing?  I truly do not understand how the law can contain such a wide chasm as this.

I realize that I sound passionate about my stance, but that is only because I am passionate about it.  Please know that in all of these words there is no condemnation.  If you have made the choice for abortion I am not condemning you, just as I do not expect you to condemn me for my point of view.  Let’s talk.  I have laid my thoughts and reasoning out there.  It’s your turn.

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