Friday, May 17, 2013

The Answer: Just One More!

How many life changing events can one cram into one weekend?  The answer:  Just one more!  You might as well get a cup of coffee and sit down because it might take a few minutes to catch you up.  So much has happened since my last post.  Nick is doing so well!  He finished the photo pheresis in January and his exit bone marrow biopsy was 100% clean.  Tests also show that he is 110% converted to Amanda's immune system. (I know that that is an impossible figure, but that is what we were told.  I'm sure that it was just for effect and should be taken as such.)

Later this Spring Nick started back to work.  He still can not go back to the E.R. (too many germs) yet, but he is loving his job.  If you ever have the occasion to visit Jackson Madison County General Hospital and hear a man's voice over the P.A., that will be Nick. for the big news:  Last weekend Nick married Kate.  We could not be happier!  She is a wonderful young woman, and they appear to be deliriously happy.  They wanted a small, intimate wedding.  So, it was just for immediate family.  It was beautiful and peaceful and just what they wanted.  (Please do not feel obligated by this statement, but I know that many of you will ask.  They are registered at Target & Bed, Bath and Beyond.)  I can not express to you how elated I am that Nick has the opportunity to start his life as an adult.  Just the fact that he has a life to begin continually puts me in awe.  God is good, and it is well!

Also, last weekend, Amanda, Megan, and I graduated from Nursing School.  Megan earned her BSN.  She has been an RN for many years, but is in the process of furthering her education.  Amanda & I earned our ADN's and will be taking our Boards to become RN's in about a month.  It was an action packed weekend, to say the least.  I will begin a Residency program in either July or August, depending upon when I get scheduled to take Boards.  Then, Megan and I will both be beginning our Masters in Nursing programs in the Fall.  We will be busy bees, but we are sort of used to that.

I will leave you with this tidbit from my morning's reading:
On my kitchen chalkboard this morning

            John 1:4 (NLT)  "So the Word became human and made His home among us.  He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness...."

This is the God that we serve.  Even as a man on this earth corrupted by sin, He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.  He was not almost full, or half full, or running on empty.  He was full to the sloshing brim.  He had no lack of love and faithfulness.  Even when betrayed and condemned to the cross His tank remained full.  Love and Faithfulness...two character qualities that are never conditional with Jesus, and should never be conditional with us.

It is well.

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