Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's Wonderful

Nick and Amanda went to Vanderbilt today.  They had a steady stream of healthcare professionals peeking their heads in Nick's room.  Finally the doctor came in.  Amanda described him as a middle eastern man to whom they had to listen closely in order to understand.  They had both seen him before, and  had trust in his abilities.  They expected him to talk about this lab value or that medication, but Mandi said that all he could say was, "It's's's just wonderful..."  Mandi said that it was all she could do to hold back tears as she watched this man who knows well the difference between medicine and miracle say, "It's wonderful."

After several minutes he went on to say that Nick is a well known young man.  Nick replied, "So, I'm popular?"  The doctor agreed and continued to tell them that the oncology department at Vanderbilt has a staff meeting every Friday.  They gather to talk about their patients and glean wisdom from the gathering of wise counsel.  He told him that there has not been one meeting where Nick's name has not been brought up.  Even though his transplant was in January, and we came home April 25th, he continues to be talked about and have his case held up as hope for others who are facing the fight of their lives.  It's wonderful!

As I said yesterday, I have started back reading the Psalms.  Today I read Psalms 2 (and a number of other scriptures as I chased rabbit trails.)  In Psalms 2 the writer is lamenting about the world leaders and warning them that they better align themselves with the Almighty.  In the middle of chapter he also writes prophesy about Jesus being the Son of God as he states:

 “I will declare the decree:
The Lord has said to Me,
‘You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession.

In John  17, Jesus does just that.  He asks.............................

 How many times in the Word does God tell us to ask, or knock, or seek?  I don't know the answer to that, but the phrase, "a bunch of times", is surely close to accurate.  The point is that God just wants us to ask.

I would imagine that each of you who are reading this blog have asked God for Nick's healing over the past year.  Most of you do not know one another.  You go to different churches.  You sing different songs.  You are young, old, and in between.  You are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, some combination of the others, or something totally different.  You live in different places on the globe, and speaks a multitude of different languages.  However, you all came together as the Body of Christ during the last year and simply asked.

God honored the numerous requests and saw fit to make an example of Nick's case.  At one of the most well know hospitals in the world, all they can say is....It's wonderful.  Even if that doctor does not know who "Wonderful" is (YET), he at least knows that something is different about Nick.

My encouragement to you today is be bold and ask.  

It is...........Wonderful

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